Beacon of Hope Resource Cente
Beacon of Hope Resource Cente
Leading the way home, Beacon of Hope provides a model for recovery in neighborhoods devastated by Hurricane Katrina, as well as other areas affected by disaster. Encouraging civic action, fostering repopulation, providing information and resources is the foundation on which we build and grow. Beacon of Hope empowers residents to facilitate their own recovery while providing a hub of resident driven activities and a safe environment to create the synergy essential for restoring viable neighborhoods and improve the overall quality of life for residents.
The Beacon of Hope Resource Center an approved non-profit 501(c) 3 corporation, was founded by Lakewood South homeowners, Denise and Doug Thornton on February 14, 2006. Located at 5475 Bellaire Drive in New Orleans this once flooded home served as a refuge for weary neighbors and a lifeline for all homeowners who seek information and resources to rebuild their devastated homes in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Our mission is to assist all homeowners in the City of New Orleans in the rebuilding process of their beloved homes and provide a sanctuary to neighbors looking for a way back home.
